Chris Woollams Personal Choice: Pancreatic digestive enzyme formula
Pancreatic enzymes are digestive enzymes; but not all digestive enzymes are made in the pancreas. Some come from foods like papaya and pineapple.
That’s why our product contains far more than just pancreatic enzymes.
People with pancreatic problems, digestive disorders, gut problems, people who drink too much alcohol, people who are over-weight, those with parasites or those who have taken prescription drugs like proton pump inhibitors, antibiotics or chemotherapy can all benefit from digestive enzymes. They also complement probiotics and parasite treatments and, quite simply, aid the proper digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
Poor levels of digestive enzymes have been linked with gut disorders, bloating, wind, a hardened stomach, diarrhoea, poor mineral and fat absorption and even mouth ulcers.
You should take them with food.
No products should be considered as treatments or cures for Cancer. Although it is very unlikely that your doctor or oncologist has any in-depth knowledge of natural compounds and herbs and their benefits or any side-effects, you should always seek qualified medical opinion for any contra-indications with the drugs you are taking – a qualified medical herbalist may be able to advise.