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Turkey Tail

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Our Product of Choice

Turkey Tail

Origin JiLin Province

100% Fruiting Body.

Extraction method: Hot water (for the powder)


SKU: TURKEYTAILANTIOXI Categories: , , , , Tags: , Product ID: 70845


Our Product of Choice

Turkey Tail

Vegan Friendly, Non GMO, Filler free, Soy Free, Gluten Free



No products should be considered as treatments or cures for Cancer. Although it is very unlikely that your doctor or oncologist has any in-depth knowledge of natural compounds and herbs and their benefits or any side-effects, you should always seek qualified medical opinion for any contra-indications with the drugs you are taking – a qualified medical herbalist may be able to advise.

Additional information





Turkey Tail Extract from JiLin

Per 100g
kJ 1000
kcal 240
Total Fat (g) 0
Saturated Fat (g) 0
Total Carbohydrates (g) 63
Total Sugars (g) 0
Added Sugar (g) 0
Protein (g) 0
Salt (g) 0.2

Suggested Use

Preventative Dosage (you are being proactive): Take 4 capsules per day or 2g

Reactive Dosage (treatment): 8 capsules per day or 4g

Split the dose throughout the day or take all at once. If you have a sensitive Constitution we advise splitting the dose and consuming after food.

For the powder you can add to beverages, smoothies, water or mix into food.